'All hands on deck': Dutch police called to deal with rowdy revellers in Knokke

'All hands on deck': Dutch police called to deal with rowdy revellers in Knokke
Mixed patrols of Dutch police officers (yellow vests) and Belgian (orange vests) ones in Knokke. Credit: Belga/Kurt Desplenter

To tackle the nuisance of young people partying in the Belgian coastal municipality of Knokke-Heist, the local police are calling in reinforcement from federal forces and even the Dutch police during the summer holidays.

Knokke-Heist's entertainment district is a known destination for young Dutch party-goers, who enjoy the extravagant parties and lavish beach clubs in the summer. Three years ago, an influx of 16 and 17-year-old Dutch nationals came to Knokke to party, bringing various issues.

"In previous years, this target group caused a lot of nuisance. The cooperation with the Dutch police then proved to be of great added value," said local police chief Steve Desmet. "It is now all hands on deck again and we can really use the help of the Dutch."

On horse and bike

Belgian police will receive night-time assistance from Dutch police on bicycles, who will tackle the nuisance caused by Dutch youths. In addition, Dutch police on horseback will patrol on some nights alongside riders from the Belgian Federal Police.

"The riders are easily approachable, highly visible and extremely suitable for preventive surveillance at locations such as the beach, dunes and cycling and walking paths," Desmet said.

Mixed patrols will also be set up in which a Dutch officer will form a unit with a police officer from the Damme/Knokke-Heist local police. "Thanks to the cooperation, we can act more efficiently," said Desmet.

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"We can identify young people more quickly because our Dutch colleagues have access to Dutch information databases," Desmet explained. "We also find that Dutch youngsters are more likely to speak with a Dutch officer because they recognise the Dutch police uniform."

"They also actively and interactively use social media to extend the connection with young people into the virtual world. This is unique in the international police landscape."

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