Drugs suspected of being behind fatal stabbing in Namur

Drugs suspected of being behind fatal stabbing in Namur
Credit: Belga

A drug deal is believed to have triggered the fatal stabbing of a man in Namur last Wednesday, according to the local prosecutor’s office.

The incident occurred at 1:30 a.m. After being stabbed, the man, born in 1993, sought help at a nearby night store located on Avenue des Combattants. He succumbed to his injuries soon after arriving in hospital.

Two suspects were arrested on Sunday and charged with attempted robbery involving violence, among other serious factors. Authorities feel the murder was used as a means to facilitate the alleged robbery.

“The disagreement between the two arrested individuals and the victim seems to have been sparked by a drug deal, with the victim apparently being their supplier, and a significant amount of drugs was found on him,” the Namur prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday.

The suspects are a 41-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman, both Belgians and residing in the Namur area. They were already known to law enforcement for drug-related offences.

The investigation, which includes an examination of the physical evidence, is continuing to determine the involvement of the two suspects, according to the prosecutor's office.

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