Belgian former PM Di Rupo calls to 'respect gender identity'

Belgian former PM Di Rupo calls to 'respect gender identity'
Walloon Minister-President Elio Di Rupo. Credit: Belga / Kurt Desplenter

Belgian MEP and former Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo (PS) warned against transphobia and encouraged people to respect others' gender identity in an open letter, following Deputy Prime Minister David Clarinval's (MR) recommendation of the controversial book 'Transmania'.

Last week, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister David Clarinval (MR) was accused of transphobia after recommending a controversial book on the so-called "transgender ideology" to his followers on social media: 'Transmania' by Marguerite Stern and Dora Moutot.

"In this reactionary climate, it is essential to stress that the freedoms granted to transgender people in no way reduce the freedoms of other citizens," Di Rupo said. "The extension of rights and freedoms to some never diminishes those of others."

Working together

In an open letter to Le Soir, Di Rupo reiterated that Belgium's political history shows that socialists and liberals can unite to broaden everyone's freedoms "without harming anyone," adding that the two parties have fought conservatism to "offer our fellow citizens new freedoms."

He gave the example of Lucienne Herman-Michielsens (Liberal) and Senator Roger Lallemand (Socialist), who fought hard to give women the fundamental right to control their own bodies, resulting in abortion becoming a right in 1990.

"In 2003, under a socialist-liberal government, Belgium took the lead in legalising same-sex marriage, becoming the second country in the world to do so after the Netherlands," Di Rupo stressed. "I still remember the discussions with Guy Verhofstadt (Liberal) to form the government after the May 2003 elections. Special mention was made in the government agreement to simplify administrative procedures for transgender people."

Socialist Di Rupo and liberal Alexander De Croo. Credit: Belga

In 2007, a law was passed to formalise the gender reassignment process in the civil registry and in the same year, transgender people were protected against all forms of discrimination linked to their gender identity.

"Although the political extremes have always opposed these advancements, their ideology cannot stand in the way of the march towards freedom," Di Rupo said. For him, the book Transmania is part of "an ultra-conservative school of thought which claims that freedoms have been pushed too far.

"Surprisingly, this current of thought is echoed in our political world."

As questions of gender and identity are complex and deeply affect individuals, progressives – especially politicians – must continue to defend diversity, which Di Rupo called "the precious wealth of our society."

Defending dignity and freedom

Finally, he emphasised the importance of remembering that the freedoms people enjoy today are the fruit of relentless struggles, countless political battles and countless human tragedies.

"Whether it was the fight for civil rights in the United States, for gender equality, for the rights of LGBTQ+ people, or for freedom of expression, they were all driven by the same unshakeable will: to defend the dignity, freedom and respect of human beings in all their complexity."

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