Belgian asylum centre faces uncertainty as Koksijde plans airbase purchase

Belgian asylum centre faces uncertainty as Koksijde plans airbase purchase
Fedasil sign at Koksijde's former military base which became a centre for refugees, Monday 25 January 2016. Credit: Belga

The Belgian municipality of Koksijde plans to purchase a portion of a local air force base, including the land currently occupied by a Fedasil asylum centre, Mayor Marc Vanden Bussche confirmed.

Originally, Koksijde intended to redevelop the entire base until the Defence Ministry decided to retain parts post-2026. However, particular areas will still be sold, which the municipality aims to acquire.

One proposal involves relocating the town’s municipal workshop to this newly acquired land. "This frees up the current workshop site for subdivided housing aimed at young families," explains Vanden Bussche.

Concerns over asylum centre relocation

The municipality also gains ownership of the land hosting the Fedasil asylum centre. “For two years, forty containers have been standing there without building permits, and the centre should have been closed by 30 June,” according to Vanden Bussche.

He revealed an agreement with the Secretary of State that allowed refugee children attending local schools to complete their academic year.

However, the children started the new term in September, contravening agreed provisions, and are likely to stay until November, disrupting their education.

The containers are slated for demolition by 15 September. "However, refugees will continue residing in the remaining buildings," Vanden Bussche states. "Once we own the land, I will certainly not grant this permission."

The municipality is presently negotiating for the land purchase. "Once we sign the compromise agreement and the land is ours, they can no longer interfere," concludes Vanden Bussche.

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