Flemish Government formation: Latest proposals aren't enough for Conner Rousseau

Flemish Government formation: Latest proposals aren't enough for Conner Rousseau
Credit: Belga

Conner Rousseau, leader of the Flemish socialist party Vooruit, has said that the current proposals for a new Flemish Government are not enough to progress negotiations. His comments come after a discussion with lead negotiator, Matthias Diependaele (N-VA).

Rousseau insisted that there has been little change in education and insufficient support for well-being. He also criticised a lack of ambition to increase bus services inside cities.

The Vooruit president is hoping for a new proposal from Diependaele to resume the negotiations involving N-VA, Vooruit and CD&V. Diependaele has been leading the process for several weeks. He presented an “end-note” on Monday which failed to satisfy the socialists and the Christian-democrats.

Disagreement among coalition partners was so strong that parties would not meet. As a result Diependaele arranged new rounds of bilateral talks on Thursday.

According to Vooruit, the planned adjustments are not sufficient. CD&V will join the discussion in the afternoon, from 14:30 onwards.

Champion of the people

In spite of challenges, Rousseau was constructive. “I won’t reveal too much but there hasn't yet been enough movement to progress to the next phase. I think it’s regrettable but we’ll work it out. It’s now up to the lead negotiator to propose something,” says Rousseau.

He doesn’t believe the formation of a Flemish government will necessarily wait until the day after communal elections on 13 October. “Everything can proceed swiftly if everyone’s needs and the needs of the Flemish [people] are considered. Citizens desire a different education management, they also want more investment in care, and a bus passing their street,” he argued.

“I’d like us to reach a resolution promptly so I have time to campaign in Sint-Niklaas (for the municipal elections). But, I won’t agree to something  that goes against the interests of the Flemish people.”

Despite his criticisms, Rousseau remained optimistic. “This happens in all negotiations. We have been negotiating in a positive atmosphere for two months, everyone is doing their best”.

Rousseau left the Flemish negotiator at midday to attend the presidency of the Chamber, where negotiations for the Federal Government are being led by Bart De Wever (N-VA).

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