The Parliament of Wallonia-Brussels Federation is back in session

The Parliament of Wallonia-Brussels Federation is back in session
Credit: Belga

The Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation confirmed the composition of its bureau, and addressed various topical issues at its inaugural plenary session on Thursday.

It will resume its work from next week, with the first meetings of its thematic commissions, whose presidencies are allocated to the various political forces on the basis of their electoral weight.

Two of these commissions will be led by representatives of the Mouvement Réformateur (MR), two by members of the opposition Socialist Party (PS), and one by the Engagés.

MR's Charles Gardier will head the commission responsible for the Budget, Higher Education and School Buildings, while his colleague, Stephanie Cortisse, will chair the Education Commission.

Bruno Lefebvre of the PS will head the Culture, Lifelong Education and International Relations Commission. Fellow PS member Eddy Fontaine will lead the Childhood, Youth and Youth Assistance Commission.

Finally, Christophe Bastin of Les Engagés will oversee work of the Public Service, Media and Sports Commission.

The Wallonia-Brussels Federation Parliament, based in Brussels, alternates its sessions bi-weekly with the Parliament of Wallonia, which meets in Namur. The Walloon Parliament held its inaugural plenary on Wednesday.

Commission sessions will be held in Brussels on Mondays and Tuesdays, and plenaries on Wednesdays.

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