The effort to put together Belgium's future government continues in working groups

The effort to put together Belgium's future government continues in working groups
N-VA chairman and federal government formator Bart De Wever. Credit: Belga / Dirk Waem

Work on the formation of the Belgian Government continues within various working groups and is likely to last at least until 23 September, when formator Bart De Wever is to present a preliminary report to the King.

A comprehensive timetable has been established for this phase, with negotiations expected to continue beyond 23 September, as a swift resolution ahead of the 13 October municipal elections seems unrealistic.

Appointed for a second time as formator on 2 September, Bart De Wever has resumed his duties, although he anticipates that things will move at a slower pace rather than a high-speed one.

The five anticipated coalition parties - Nieuw Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA), Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams (CD&V), Vooruit, Mouvement Réformateur (MR), and Les Engagés - are actively engaged in discussions.

Various working groups including technical experts and a political representative from each party have been formed to address themes such as health, energy, security, defence, mobility, and asylum and migration.

Sources indicate that reaching an agreement in the asylum and migration group is particularly challenging.

The working method has evolved: if consensus is achieved within a working group, the issue is resolved. Only unresolved issues are moved up to the central group.

The party leaders meet regularly, with weekly sessions every Friday. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon in Antwerp, a reliable source confirmed.

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