Pfizer plans to cut 255 jobs in Puurs

Pfizer plans to cut 255 jobs in Puurs
Pfizer employee putting dry ice in a box to protect Covid-19 vaccines, at Pfizer factory in Puurs.

Pfizer will cut 255 jobs at its site in Puurs, Antwerp Province, business newspaper De Tijd reported on Tuesday, while the pharmaceutical giant confirmed that it was carrying out a “global operational efficiency exercise.”

No forced or direct layoffs will occur in Puurs, Pfizer said. “This has to do with natural attrition,” it noted, “that means not replacing staff and not extending temporary contracts, or relocating people internally.

A “global efficiency exercise” was conducted over the summer at Keizer, and on Tuesday, the first details of that plan were presented to employees at a special works council meeting.

“This decision is driven by our responsibility to ensure that the capacity of our sites meets the needs of the business,” Pfizer wrote. “This allows us to deliver medicines and vaccines to patients in the most effective way.”

Job reductions are always a last resort, according to Pfizer. The company claims it has made every effort to cut costs elsewhere and minimise the impact on employees. “We are in active discussions with colleagues and their representatives. All decisions will be made with transparency and respect, in compliance with all laws,” Pfizer added.

Paul Schoeters, secretary of the Christian trade union ACV, expressed understanding for Pfizer’s decision, but disagreed with the notion that all sites must cut costs if company expectations are unmet.

Trade unions highlighted Pfizer’s key role in producing COVID-19 vaccines in Belgium. Schoeters remarked that management had overestimated the volumes of the vaccine that were needed, year after year.

“These estimates weren’t always accurate,” Schoeters noted. “Now, they’re saying cuts need to be made because the targets weren’t met – it’s backwards logic.” He also pointed out it had already been decided not to replace 150 temporary jobs in Puurs, making the total impact roughly 400 positions.

Further discussions between unions and management are not required since no permanent contracts are affected: the cuts involve mainly temporary positions, often filled through interim contracts.

The significant investment plan for Puurs, announced in 2022 and amounting to €1.2 billion, remains in place.

Approximately 5,000 people work for Pfizer in Puurs.

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