Namur's emergency night shelter capacity almost doubles ahead of winter

Namur's emergency night shelter capacity almost doubles ahead of winter
Illustration picture shows a snowy landscape in Namur,, Belgium, Wednesday 30 January 2019. A new snow streak has touched Belgium. BELGA PHOTO MAXIME ASSELBERGHS

The Namur night shelter’s capacity will increase from 33 to 63 places, announced the CPAS of Namur and the Namurois Urban Social Relay on Friday, in anticipation of the winter season.

The increase was implemented to ensure the city could meet the rising demand for emergency accommodation.

A pre-registration system will be implemented to manage the available beds more effectively and to guide those who cannot be accommodated to other options.

Additionally, there will be closer collaboration with the Health Relays of Basse-Sambre and Andenne in case of extreme cold.

The Namur winter plan, funded by Wallonia to the tune of €89,000 (35% of the total budget), will also include increased human resources within the municipality’s partner associations, along with enhanced material and financial assistance.

The non-profit organisation Li P’Tite Buweye will extend its opening hours through a "warming up centre," allowing those in need to stay warm from 10:00 to 20:00 daily (except Fridays until 19:30 and Thursdays with opening at 15:00).

To better cope with winter, the Namurois Urban Social Relay is calling for donations to purchase blankets, essential items, and shoes.

According to a survey, 1,146 people were homeless or without permanent shelter in the Namur district and its 16 municipalities in October 2021 (with 64.6% being men). A new survey is planned for this winter, with results expected in March.

More information can be found at Donations can also be made directly to the account number BE29 5230 8025 6764 (communication: name, first name, and national register number).

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