Businesses in Wallonia pay more for energy than in Flanders

Businesses in Wallonia pay more for energy than in Flanders
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Businesses in Wallonia pay between 15% and 21% more for gas and electricity than those in Flanders, figures from the federal energy regulator CREG show.

An analysis of CREG data published by L’Écho on Wednesday shows that while gas prices in Belgium are more attractive than in neighbouring countries, taxes on these rates are 3.5 times greater in Wallonia than in Flanders, driving up costs for businesses in Belgium's southern region.

In real terms, this can amount to a difference of around €1,000 for an annual consumption of 100,000 kWh, equivalent to the usage of six average households, the federal regulator noted.

Electricity prices show an even more pronounced disparity, with bills for businesses in Flanders up to 21% less than in Wallonia. This is due to higher network fees in the francophone region, which account for 32% of the bill in Wallonia compared to only 17% in the north.

According to the Walloon regulator, Cwape, these differences are partly due to "specific costs" such as the development of Elia’s network, funding for green certificates, lower population density, and the unique geological and geographical characteristics of the region.

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