The number of victims arriving at burn treatment centres and hospitals with open wounds and finger injuries has continued to rise this year in Belgium.
Heavy fireworks are to blame according to the Burn Foundation, which supports severe burn victims.
Last year, there were 139 cases; this year, there are already 122 to date. While burn injuries are significantly fewer (39 out of 122), open wounds and finger injuries have increased again this year (38 compared to 31 last year).
Additionally, 24 victims suffered hearing damage and 21 sustained eye injuries.
“The hands, fingers, and face remain the most commonly injured body parts. There has been a sharp increase in hand and finger injuries, indicating that these injuries are becoming more severe due to the mishandling of more powerful illegal fireworks, such as the Cobra 6 and a combination of different fireworks,” the Burn Foundation stated in a press release.
It’s also notable that four out of ten victims are under 18 and often come from urban areas.
Another significant point is that 80% of the fireworks were purchased illegally.
Fireworks-related accidents are more frequent in rural municipalities than in cities. “In cities, well-organised groups of young people often set off large quantities of fireworks in a short time, sometimes targeting the police, but also protecting themselves well against potential injuries,” the report highlighted.
The Foundation deplores the trend of using fireworks against the police, firefighters and emergency services, calling for severe punishment for such acts.
More broadly, the Foundation advocates for a total ban on the use and sale of fireworks in Belgium.