Train union threatens unprecedented nine-day rail strike at end of month

Train union threatens unprecedented nine-day rail strike at end of month
Credit: Belga/Eric Lalmand.

Three smaller railway unions have threatened to strike at various times at the end of February. They want to express anger with the new Federal Government coalition agreement.

The Belgian railway union ASTB-SACT (Autonomous Union of Train Drivers) submitted a strike notice for a full working week at the end of the month, it announced on its social media on Monday evening.

The announcement relates to a "national strike from 22:00 on Sunday 23 February until 22:00 on Friday 28 February for all train drivers and shunters [who ensure trains can ride safely]."

Two other railway unions – the Independent Trade Union of Railway Personnel (OVS) and VSOA Spoor – also submitted a strike notice, going one further than ASTB. They will strike from 22:00 on 21 February to 22:00 on 2 March, which would amount to an unprecedented nine-day railway strike. However, VSAO Spoor withdrew its strike notice on Wednesday afternoon.

Strikes will be held not only by SNCB personnel but also by those working on rail infrastructure for companies Infrabel and HR-Rail. Those notices will most likely be for the same strike days.

"Whether or not you are a member of one of these unions, your intention to strike is now covered," the union said.

HR-Rail confirmed to The Brussels Times that it was informed of the strike notice and would be meeting on the subject on Tuesday. After a strike has been announced, a reconciliation meeting is usually held. At that point, the unions can either call off the strike or confirm it. If the strike goes ahead, an alternative timetable will be worked out based on the non-striking personnel.

Larger unions wait it out

Unions are unhappy with the federal coalition agreement. "The reform of pensions and the labour market will directly affect all railway personnel of the Belgian railways at all levels," the unions had said in response. They highlighted the increase in retirement age, plans to make shifts more irregular, and the phase-out of HR Rail, the legal employer of railway personnel.

The largest railway unions, ACOD Spoor and ACV-Transcom, will likely not be taking part in this strike action, Günther Blauwens, chair of ACOD Spoor, confirmed to The Brussels Times. "We are working on our own action plan, linked to the inter-professional trade unions ABVV and ACV."

He added that their decision-making will be done through the national and regional bodies (elected governing bodies), "not through social media".

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Blauwens stated on Tuesday that the Arizona coalition agreement "confirms fears about the attacks on employees, pensions, public services and the trade unions", calling it an "unprecedented attack".

Both unions have been invited to a meeting with the new Federal Minister of Mobility, Jean-Luc Crucke "in response to the alarm bell procedure of the joint trade union front of the recognised organisations".

This article was updated at 16:50 on Wednesday 12 February to include information about VSOA withdrawing its strike notice. 

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