Whale spotted off Belgian coast for first time ever

Whale spotted off Belgian coast for first time ever
This picture shows a fin whale swimming in Skjervoy Fjord, in northern Norway within Arctic Circle, on November 11, 2024. Credit: Belga

A fin whale has been sighted at the C-Power wind farm in the North Sea, marking the first confirmed sighting of this species in Belgium in recent times, the Institute of Natural Sciences announced on Tuesday.

A staff member at the wind farm observed the large whale-like creature on Monday, around several dozen kilometres from the Belgian coast. The whale was filmed, and the footage was sent to the Institute of Natural Sciences, which monitors the impact of offshore wind farms on marine environments.

Experts identified the animal as a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) from the footage, noting that it appeared to be thin. "All previous confirmed sightings of fin whales in Belgium involved deceased individuals," said Kelle Moreau of the Institute of Natural Sciences. "A live fin whale sighting at the C-Power wind farm is extremely rare."

The fin whale, reaching lengths of up to 27 metres, is the second-largest whale species and the second-largest animal on Earth, surpassed only by the blue whale.

"The fin whale has a brownish-grey back and a white underside. Its most distinctive feature is the asymmetrical colouring of its head. The lower left jaw is dark, while the lower right jaw is white or light grey. This distinctive white right lower jaw is visible in the footage from the C-Power wind farm," Moreau explained.

During the 20th century, there were three recorded strandings of fin whales on the Belgian coast. In the 21st century, there have been six cases, all involving dead animals.

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