All Eurostar trains between London and Brussels cancelled on Monday

All Eurostar trains between London and Brussels cancelled on Monday
Credit: Belga

Eurostar trains between London, Brussels and Amsterdam on Monday 21 December have been cancelled, as Belgium has banned entry to travellers from the United Kingdom due to the new coronavirus variant.

Due to the Belgian government's decision to close borders with the UK from midnight on Sunday, Eurostar cannot run any trains between London, Brussels, and Amsterdam on Monday 21 December, the company announced.

Eurostar trains on the Paris route, however, are confirmed to continue to operate, the company said on its website.

"We await further details from the relevant governments on how travel restrictions will be enforced," the website reads.

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The company is asking travellers not to come to the station without a ticket today (Sunday), as both the trains and stations are "very busy." Additionally, tickets are no longer sold in the stations.

On Sunday morning, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced that flights and Eurostar connections from the UK would be shut down for a period of 24 hours from midnight, as a "precautionary measure" to prevent the spread of a more infectious mutation of the coronavirus, which has seen the UK return to strict lockdown measures for the holiday period.

Maïthé Chini

The Brussels Times

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