Frédéric De Gucht, the Open VLD negotiator, and MR party leader Georges-Louis Bouchez will discuss the situation in Brussels on Sunday afternoon, De Gucht announced on the VRT 1 programme, De Zevende Dag, on Sunday.
De Gucht also mentioned that he will attend Monday’s meeting of the seven parties. “This is not about negotiations, but we will review the options developed by a steering group regarding Brussels’ budgetary situation,” he said.
The informateurs Elke Van den Brandt (Groen) and Christophe De Beukelaer (Les Engagés) proposed a seven-party government—consisting of MR, PS, Les Engagés, Groen, Open VLD, Vooruit, and CD&V—as the only feasible option after three weeks of talks. However, last week, De Gucht made it clear that Open VLD will not join a government without N-VA and did not attend Wednesday’s meeting with the other six parties. These parties agreed to discuss Brussels’ budget and debt on Monday, a meeting Open VLD will attend, De Gucht stated on Sunday.
Frédéric De Gucht reiterated that N-VA must be part of the Brussels government. “Brussels needs to be in a better state in 2029 than it is today. This can only happen if the federal, Flemish, and Walloon governments are involved. I do not believe this can be done without N-VA,” he reaffirmed. “If CD&V were to provide the prime minister, I would say the same about them,” he added.
In response to reports that MR leader Bouchez has a proposal to form a Brussels government without Open VLD, De Gucht accused those involved of trying to divide the liberals. “Not only PS but also the other French-speaking parties must respect the Dutch-speaking community,” he asserted. MR and Open VLD will convene on Sunday afternoon to discuss the situation in Brussels.