On-site vaccination for construction workers coming to Brussels

On-site vaccination for construction workers coming to Brussels
Credit: Canva

Construction workers in Brussels should soon be able to be vaccinated on building sites as part of a push by the Brussels-Capital Construction Confederation to help boost vaccination figures in the region.

The decision comes after the Brussels region set itself the goal of administering 16,000 first doses of coronavirus vaccine per week in an effort to catch up with the other Regions. It wants to promote a more decentralized action by targeting companies, in particular for in-office vaccinations.

The Construction Confederation has responded by calling for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to also be administered to staff on construction sites because the majority of workers are scattered over hundreds of sites.

"The objective is to reach a wider audience in Brussels. Subcontractors, sometimes foreign, will also be able to be vaccinated directly and free of charge on the building sites," Laurent Schiltz, secretary-general of the confederation explained. "A general company can invite its subcontractors to register for vaccination on the same day."

This company or site campaign is possible once 10 people register to be vaccinated, the sector explained. Cocom (Joint Community Commission) provides vaccines and medical personnel, including a doctor to answer questions and possible concerns.

The Brussels Times

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