Defence and key industry sectors team up to boost youth employment

Defence and key industry sectors team up to boost youth employment
Credit: Belga

In a press conference on Thursday, Federal Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder and Belgium's major industrial sectors announced the launch of the 'Reboot4You' project.

With a cooperation agreement signed and sealed, this partnership intends to give young people between the ages of 18 and 24 work experience in the defence and industrial sectors through mutually recognised training.

On the one hand, the defence sector will seek out young people through various local youth organisations and support them in a later introduction to military life. The industrial partners, on the other hand, will provide specialised training. As a result, the project's participants will have the choice between both sectors once they've completed their training.

Furthermore, Belgian Army Reserve soldiers will be able to divide their work between both the defence and private sectors.

The Minister's reaction

During the press conference on Thursday, Ludivine Dedonder described the project as a "unprecedented and historic" cooperation agreement.

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According to Statbel, over 14% of those between the ages of 15 and 24 are currently unemployed. Dedonder stated that this provides both sectors with "a potentially huge pool of talent, which is often overlooked," especially given that the defence sector is looking to hire 10,000 more people during this legislature

The minister also stated her desire for the defence sector to play a social role. "With our mutual training, I believe we can add value, a perspective, and a future to these young people," she added.

Who's signed up?

Construction, hospitality, temporary employment, catering, and mobility are among the industries that have signed on to the cooperation agreement.

Among the patterning companies are Traxio, Renta, and Mobia from the mobility sector, the automotive sector's Febiac and the Royal Automobile Club Belgium (RACB), the hospitality sector's Sodexo and the HR Services sector's Federgon.

One of these partners is the sector fund Constructive, whose president, Gianni De Vlaminck stated that they currently have more than 20,000 vacancies.

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