Islamic organisation allowed to continue with male-only swim event

Islamic organisation allowed to continue with male-only swim event
Credit: Al-Furqan Mosque

Despite mounting criticism, Islamic non-profit organisation Al-Furqan will be allowed to continue renting a swimming pool in Lommel, Flanders for an Islamic swim event. Women are not allowed to attend, according to Belgian newspaper Het Belang van Limburg.

As the twice-monthly male-only swim events are open for “members only”, the Islamic group successfully skirts anti-discrimination laws. The group has previously stated that women are not welcome to these swim events, causing anger in the local community.

The pool, located within the De Soeverein sports centre, is partly owned by the city of Lommel. Angry residents decried the exclusion of women before city authorities, who were ultimately powerless to contest the ban on women.

The case was ultimately referred to the Flemish Integration Agency, the Gender Chamber of the Flemish Ombudsman, and the cabinet of Minister Bart Somers, before the verdict that nothing could be done to prevent the event was communicated to the city council.

“There is nothing illegal so we cannot prohibit the swimming activities,” said Dirk Vanderhoydonks, alderman for Sport and Equal Opportunities in Lommel. As the swim event is a private, members-only event, Al-Furquan reserves the right to set the conditions of access and membership.

Local residents unhappy

But local residents and politicians are not happy. “Now that it appears that they are not doing anything illegal, we cannot intervene. But we are not happy about it,” said local N-VA alderman Karel Wieërs.

The Institute for Gender Equality had previously stated that the Islamic non-profit was “manifestly violating gender law” due to restrictions on distinguishing between men and women when selling something on the open market.

The Islamic organisation sells an annual membership subscription or ten-event card, which is only available to men.

“If a non-profit organisation only offers that activity to its members, they are basically doing nothing different than someone organising a get-together and inviting people. You can’t go against that as a legislator,” said Annelies D’Espaillier, Gender Ombudswoman at the Flemish ombudsman.

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According to a spokesperson for Al-Furqan, there was a local need for such an activity within “an Islamic context.” Al-Furquan claims that another pool is being sought for a similar activity for women. “De Soeverein is not suitable for this, because there is too much visibility,” the group said.

The incident has made a splash within the Flemish Government. N-VA Flemish Minister for Justice, Zuhal Demir, wrote on Twitter that the situation was “completely unacceptable.”

“The Muslim leadership once again proves that it promotes apartheid in our society and the oppression of women. Lommel should not discuss this. Lommel should send Al-Furqan and misogyny walking,” Demir stated.

In the Flemish parliament, Vlaams Belang and N-VA politicians grilled Vice Minister-President Bart Somers over the scandal, who upheld that it could not be “prohibited by law.” Nevertheless, the minister stated that he found it “hard to understand” why the city had decided to facilitate such an event.

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