Good Move: Liberals make big push to consult affected residents

Good Move: Liberals make big push to consult affected residents
Credit: Nils Quintelier/Belga.

The French-speaking liberal party MR has announced that it will be carrying out a large push to engage with residents in the various municipalities affected by the Good Move traffic plan.

Party members in Brussels aim to meet with at least 50% of the affected population as a way to improve the plan's implementation. In October and November, protests broke out as angry residents took issue with the new measures. MR argues that the changes had been rushed in several neighbourhoods.

"In concrete terms, 50% of people affected by the redevelopment must be consulted and 50% of the voters must support the project. If not, the plans will have to be amended,” explained David Leisterh, the party's president in Brussels, and Anne-Charlotte d’Ursel, president of the Brussels Parliament’s mobility committee.

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As a result, the party will table motions in the various municipalities concerned to establish a consultation framework. If adopted, 50% of people affected by the redevelopment will have to be consulted and 50% of voters will have to support the project, failing which it will have to be amended.

Furthermore, d’Ursel called for a citizen participation charter in Good Move as a prerequisite for starting mobility projects and redeveloping public space.

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