Belgium places Imam Hassan Iquioussen in closed centre

Belgium places Imam Hassan Iquioussen in closed centre
Federal State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Nicole de Moor (CD&V). Credit: James Arthur Gekiere/Belga.

Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen was placed in a closed centre on Tuesday, State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Nicole de Moor said in a statement. “We remain in contact with France to ensure his removal,” she added.

The Belgian judiciary had decided on Tuesday not to hand over Mr. Iquioussen to France, which accuses him of evading an expulsion order.

The Belgian justice authorities considered that the facts underlying a European arrest warrant issued against the imam did not constitute an offence under Belgian law. “As a result, this person no longer has to wear an electronic bracelet” in Belgium, said Secretary of State de Moor.

However, she stressed that Hassan Iquioussen did not have permission to stay in Belgium. “I will not fail to follow this case closely with my services," the CD&V (Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams) minister said.

“We cannot tolerate an extremist with no right of residence walking around on our territory. Anyone who has no right to be here must be sent back. We are in contact with France to ensure that he is removed.”

At the end of July, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin had announced the expulsion of the imam - who is listed 'S' (for state security) by the intelligence services - from the north of France,

The expulsion order accused him of “proselytising, inciting hatred and discrimination, and conveying a vision of Islam contrary to the values of the Republic.”

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