Shooting stars to appear across Belgium in early January

Shooting stars to appear across Belgium in early January
Credit: Faik Akmd/Pexels

A shower of shooting stars will cross the sky above Belgium on 4 January. On a clear day, no less than 80 shooting stars per hour can be observed. This year, this natural phenomenon will be more intense than usual, online weather platform Meteovista said on Wednesday.

Typically, this minor solar event in January is limited to just tens of shooting stars per hour. This year, however, so long as the weather conditions are favourable, will be eight times as intense.

Nevertheless, the faintest meteors will not be visible given that there will be almost a full moon, and on 7 January, its face visible from earth fully illuminated.

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The best time to observe these shooting stars, experts say, is at around 07:00 on 4 January.

At this time, the moon will set in the northwest. Meteovista hopes that in this period the sky will remain clear to offer the best views of the cosmic event.

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