Best tips and tricks to beat the heat indoors this summer

Best tips and tricks to beat the heat indoors this summer
Photo by Delaney Van on Unsplash

Keeping houses or apartments cool in high temperatures can be difficult without air conditioning – difficult, yes, but not impossible.

To avoid using air conditioning, which pollutes enormously and contributes to climate change and these extreme heatwaves, then there are several tips and tricks to reduce indoor temperatures.

The first seems obvious but is actually counterintuitive: ventilation.

One may think that leaving all windows and doors open at all hours will create a draft. But if you are doing this during the day when the air temperature is 32 degrees Celsius outside, you will actually be adding to the inside heat. Instead, close the windows during the day to leave warm air outside and in the evening, when the temperature finally drops, open doors and windows and circulate fresh air.

Secondly, it is a good idea to close any shutters.

If a house or apartment is oriented anywhere other than north, it is vital to protect windows and other bay windows which, even if they let in a lot of light, can magnify the interior heat when summer comes. If there are no shutters, light curtains which reflect light or anti-heat adhesive solar films can be fixed to windows. These can reduce the heat coming from the sun by 50%.

Thirdly, people should be concerned with what to eat and how to prepare it.

Using oven and hobs may warm not only the kitchen but also the cook. Eating a hot dish will also increase body temperature. The best food for hot weather is salad made with fresh vegetables which are full of water. This will have the dual effect of hydrating the body and keeping body temperature regulated.

Credit: Belga / Nicolas Maeterlinck

Drinking water – and lots of it – is a good idea in hot weather, but it can also be used to cool your home.

For example, you can use the wet sheets that come out of the washing machine by placing them in front of your windows to cool the air coming in.

Also, make sure terraces or balconies are well-watered, as it reduces the feeling of heat emanating from the stones.

But remember: be sparing with your water as it becomes an even more valuable commodity in the summer. If you have a fan, why not place a bowl of ice cubes in front it to cool the stirred air.

Electrical appliances generate heat, even on standby.

It is therefore worth unplugging the TV when not in use, for example. In addition to wasting energy, it warms the room. So, unplug everything, except the fridge.

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