Forest municipality clashes with Union Saint-Gilloise over new stadium

Forest municipality clashes with Union Saint-Gilloise over new stadium
Union's CEO Philippe Bormans. Credit: Belga / Jonas Roosens

The ongoing deadlock over a new stadium for Union Saint-Gilloise continued this week, as the municipality of Forest issued a press release on Friday in response to recent statements by Philippe Bormans, CEO of Union Saint-Gilloise.

"The unwillingness to find a solution for the new Union stadium was not on [Forest's] side," the municipality noted in response to the Union CEO.  Bormans had asked Forest municipality for a response by 21 July on plans to build a new stadium on the Bempt site in Forest.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Philippe Bormans called on the municipality of Forest to "assume its responsibilities." Union is working with the Brussels Government, which has given the new Secretary of State Ans Persoons a deadline until 21 July to respond. "It's normal to have questions. But you also have to be open to finding solutions, and we've never felt that."

The Forest municipality was keen to defend itself against any accusation that it was blocking the development of the project and "the club's desire to build a new stadium on a municipal site." However, it reiterated that it was "essential that the impact on both mobility and the maintenance of current uses needs to be duly measured."

Bempt quarter in Forest, Brussels, where Belgian football team Union Saint-Gilloise is eyeing as location for a new stadium. Credit: Belga / Laurie Dieffembacq

The Forest authorities have reportedly been talking to the club since February 2022, but have received no response to date. "The municipality has had to reiterate its requests without any serious response from the CEO."

Through its mayor, Mariam El Hamidine, Forest is therefore asking "the club's chairman and owner to provide us with someone we can trust to continue discussions and find solutions." This includes a mobility study, for which Forest "has waited too long for the club to commit the necessary resources."

Effects of Smet's resignation

When Pascal Smet resigned from the Brussels Regional Government on 18 June, it also had implications for Union Saint-Gilles’ new stadium. The Brussels Government had placed the dossier on Smet’s desk to find a solution.

With his departure, a breakthrough in the dossier seems distant with less than a month until the new season kicks-off.

Yet there is a ray of hope, in the name of Ans Persoons. “Pascal Smet had a mandate in the Brussels Government, a mandate that is still active with a deadline on 21 July. In the meantime, it is Ans Persoons who has taken over the position and mandate, will try to find solutions,” Union CEO Philippe Bormans said on Wednesday during the presentation of new coach Alexander Blessin.

Union's new manager Alexander Blessin. Credit: Belga / Tom Goyvaerts

Bormans already sat down with Ans Persoons and Forest officials last week. "She is aware of the problem and is motivated to find solutions. We lost time because of Pascal Smet’s departure, and his replacement needs time to learn the new dossiers. But the agreement goes beyond one person, it is the Brussels government that gave the mandate."

Bormans therefore hopes that a solution will be found before 21 July. "For us it is really important that the deadline is met, because we are in the holiday break and also not very far from the next elections, that will be difficult. I hope local politicians become aware of the problem... and I now hope this will change with Persoons’ intervention."

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