Rise in teenage road accidents at start of new school year

Rise in teenage road accidents at start of new school year
Credit: Belga

Road accidents involving young people aged between 12 and 17 tend to increase during September and October, the Walloon Road Safety Agency (AWSR) revealed on Tuesday. The risk also increases during this time of year for young moped riders aged 16 and 17.

While the number of road accidents involving children aged between 6 and 11 decreased slightly in September compared with the holiday periods, the trend is the opposite for teenagers aged between 12 and 17 during September and October, the AWSR points out, citing data collected in Wallonia between 2013 and 2022.

The number of road fatalities in September and October climbs each year by 21% compared with July and August, reports the Walloon agency. A decrease is only seen from November. This increase is also more marked among those aged 16 and 17.

Higher risk of moped accidents

During this back-to-school period, accidents involving young moped riders are higher. In September, almost 37% of road accident victims aged 16 and 17 were travelling on motorised two-wheelers, compared with an average of 30% during the rest of the year.

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In view of this trend, the AWSR is offering young moped riders a series of tips to put a stop to these increases: wear protective equipment (compulsory helmet, long trousers, gloves, shoes that hold the ankles, etc.), moderate speed and respect the speed limits or be visible using light or fluorescent colours.

The agency also recommends that car drivers pay attention to their vehicle’s blind spots and remain cautious around schools.

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