Several suspected thieves and receivers arrested in Liège

Several suspected thieves and receivers arrested in Liège
Credit: Belga

Several searches and arrests of suspected thieves and receivers of stolen goods were carried out on Wednesday in Huy (Liège province), the Liège Public Prosecutor's spokesperson, Catherine Collignon, announced on Thursday afternoon.

The Huy police zone was confronted with a significant number of burglaries and thefts both in the city centre and in the suburbs. The local police's judicial service was immediately mobilised and monitored the situation.

"A meticulous and lengthy investigation uncovered an association that was not only involved in theft, but also in receiving and reselling stolen goods," Collignon explained.

Around 40 local and federal police officers carried out six searches on Wednesday, in private homes and businesses. A few dozen items of stolen property were seized, including bicycles, tools and various other items.

During the operation, drugs, money and weapons were also seized and several suspects were arrested. Authorities requested that judicial seals be affixed to several establishments where offences had been detected.

Four of the people arrested were brought before an examining magistrate in Liège on Thursday, who decided to place two of them under arrest.

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