Counterterrorism police detain two Nazi sympathisers in Flanders

Counterterrorism police detain two Nazi sympathisers in Flanders
Credit: Belga / Dirk Waem

On the directive of a terrorism-specialised investigative magistrate, Antwerp’s federal counterterrorism division conducted several searches on Thursday in Flanders, arresting two individuals.

As part of an investigation into the far-right scene of Diepenbeek, Limburg province, and Ostend, Western Flanders province, counterterrorism police conducted searches, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement on Friday.

These search operations are part of a case opened by the prosecutor’s office in May 2023. Two Belgian nationals, Daan C., born in 2000, and Kayley W., born in 2002, were taken into custody for questioning.

Many Nazi-related items, including flags and swastikas, were discovered during one search in Diepenbeek.

These two individuals are suspected of participating in the activities of a terrorist group, with Daan C. also acting as its leader.

Offences include disseminating messages inciting terrorism, recruiting people with the aim of committing and actively preparing to commit terrorist offences.  The investigating judge has issued a warrant for his arrest.

There are indications that the suspects were active on several encrypted far-right online platforms, calling for the commission of terrorist offences, recruiting new members and sharing instructions for 3D-printed firearms.

They were also found in possession of materials that could be used to make homemade bombs and Molotov cocktails, among other things.

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