Unemployment in Wallonia falls to 13.7%

Unemployment in Wallonia falls to 13.7%
Credit: Belga/ Maxime Asselberghs

Unemployment in Wallonia dropped to 13.7% at the end of November, according to Forem.

The region had 222,891 jobseekers, a decrease from the 227,116 in October, according to Forem, the regional employment office. The number of jobseekers receiving benefits reduced by 4.2% (-4,962 people) from the previous year. The count of young people in work placements also fell to 22.9%, equating to 10,010 fewer individuals.

However, these declining trends are offset by a rise in the number of mandatory registered jobseekers (+3.2% or 764 more people). Registration due to administrative reasons increased steeply by 93.2%, adding 24,403 individuals, states Forem.

In total, the number of jobseekers rose by 4.8% representing an increase of 10,195 people from a year ago. This surge is largely attributed to the automatic retention of voluntarily registered individuals since 1 January 2022, adds Forem.

Every month, the number of jobseekers reduced by 1.9%, and the number of jobseekers receiving benefits also fell (-2,201 people). Likewise, the number of young individuals in work placements decreased by 10.3% due to annual employment dynamics, says Forem. However, the number of mandatory registered job seekers remained stable (+0.2%), whilst those voluntarily registered increased by 3.7% in a month.

Finally, Forem circulated 37,041 job offers in November. These were in addition to the 9,050 offers from other public employment services relayed by the Wallonia office.

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