Belgium to push for Gaza ceasefire after EU Red Sea participation agreement

Belgium to push for Gaza ceasefire after EU Red Sea participation agreement
Credit: Belga

Belgium will take part in the EU mission in the Red Sea and also push for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, reports the Belga News Agency on Friday.

After the meeting of the core federal cabinet, the Belgian Government agreed to send one ship to the Red Sea but will not actively attack Houthi rebels, reports VRT. The Louise-Marie frigate ship will only protect commercial vessels transiting through the region.

Whether or not Belgium joined the EU mission in the Red Sea had hugely divided the Federal Parliament on Thursday. MPs on the left of the Chamber had pushed back against the idea, calling for a prioritisation of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and sending humanitarian aid to ease the suffering of civilians.

This led to a compromise with the greens and socialists on Friday, with the Federal Government agreeing to use its role as President of the EU Council to step up its efforts in calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

A further part of the deal, ministerial sources also mentioned the "permanent" opening up of humanitarian corridors, while expressing confidence in the work of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). It will abide by its rulings and help monitor its implementation.

Minister for Development Caroline Gennez, Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Foreign minister Hadja Lahbib pictured during a press conference, in Brussels, Friday 19 January 2024. Credit: Belga / Nicolas Maeterlinck

"Today, the Belgian Government is speaking out in favour of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid and support for the ICJ. Belgium will take part in EU Red Sea mission," said Belgian Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder (PS) on Friday.

For the EU Red Sea operation, Dedonder specified it would be part of an ongoing operation presently led by Belgium, which safeguards navigation near the Persian Gulf. The aim would be to extend this operation's jurisdiction into the Red Sea, potentially deploying a frigate towards the Strait of Hormuz.

Finally, the government also stressed that all Israeli hostages must be "unconditionally" released.

'Operation Prosperity'

The EU mission would join the US-led operation aimed at guaranteeing freedom of navigation in the face of attacks by Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have said are acting in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Member States gave preliminary backing to joining the Operation Prosperity Guardian on Tuesday.

EU foreign ministers are set to discuss the plan further on 22 January. Proposals currently under development by the European External Action Service (EEAS) include the deployment of warships and reconnaissance aircraft, which Belgium will now adhere to.

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