Belgian Chamber approves new restrictions on sale of alcohol and tobacco

Belgian Chamber approves new restrictions on sale of alcohol and tobacco
Credit: Belga

The Belgian Chamber has approved new restrictions on the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, proposed by Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit).

The legislation is a central tactic within strategies aimed at eliminating harmful alcohol use from 2023 to 2025 and making the tobacco-free generation a reality between 2022 and 2028. These plans, prioritising public health, received official approval in late 2022.

Several anti-tobacco measures have been detailed within the new law. These include banning the sale of tobacco products within the hospitality sector, temporary points of sale and food stores larger than 400 m2.

Furthermore, traders will be required to request ID on tobacco purchases where the buyer appears under 25 years of age. Exposure of tobacco products at points of sale will be prohibited. Penalties for advertising violations will also be increased. Finally, sanctions will be imposed for the remote purchase of tobacco-based products, e-cigarettes and their refills.

When it comes to alcohol, under 18s are prohibited from purchasing alcohol products (with the exception of beer and wine). The new law additionally bans sales via automatic vending machines, at service stations along motorways between 22:00 and 07:00, as well as in hospitals.

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