More healthcare employers in Belgium are hiring students

More healthcare employers in Belgium are hiring students
Credit: Belga

The healthcare sector has become increasingly popular for student workers, with 36% of employers in this field hiring students in 2023, according to a Liantis survey of 1,447 care institutions.

To mark Care Day on 17 March, healthcare institutions will throw open their doors, allowing the wider public to learn about the advantages of working in the sector. Liantis used this occasion to investigate student employment figures. Their research confirms that more and more institutions are bringing students on board. The figure sat at 36% in 2023, compared to 33.9% and 33.1% in 2022 and 2021 respectively.

"Up until the first quarter of 2023, students were allowed to work limitless hours beyond the 600-hour cap," says Gerben Vermeulen, a Liantis legal expert. "This undoubtedly played a part, along with many initiatives designed to promote the sector’s benefits."

In practice, Liantis reports that healthcare jobs appeals to students already studying related subjects. "It’s a win-win: the student gains essential practical experience, providing immediate benefit to the institution, and possibly making early connections for future employment," stresses Vermeulen.

Care institutions also require temporary staff to assist with logistics. "While they’re not directly involved with patient care, their contribution is invaluable," Vermeulen continues. “This includes maintenance, kitchen or cafeteria support, or IT. There are certainly opportunities here for students too,” concludes Vermeulen.

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