Fire damages workshop in Anderlecht

Fire damages workshop in Anderlecht
Credit: Brussels Fire Brigade.

A fire which broke out on Monday evening left considerable damage to a milling workshop in the Brussels municipality of Anderlecht. The Brussels Fire Brigade has since confirmed that no one was injured.

Firefighters were called to the workshop when one of the machines caught fire at around 19:45 on Avenue Raymond Vander Bruggen.

While the company's employees had already left the building, emergency services were faced with heavy smoke and smouldering throughout the workshop. They managed to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to the roof.

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Walter Derieuw, a spokesperson for the Brussels Fire Brigade, has since confirmed that the fire had been started accidentally, with no further intervention needed from Sibelga (which manages the region's gas network). The workshop had already disconnected it's power and gas supplies.

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