Brussels invites youth to develop transition projects in their neighbourhoods

Brussels invites youth to develop transition projects in their neighbourhoods
Credit: Belga / Hatim Kaghat

On Thursday, the Brussels government approved the launch of a call for projects that will allow young people (aged 14 to 25) to design and implement ecological transition projects in their neighbourhood.

A budget of 150,000 will be provided by the Capital Region for a maximum of ten innovative projects.

The scheme goes by the name Cascade and will support innovative projects for the benefit of the environment and the climate. The projects can take different forms, ranging from the production of a docu-drama to the design of educational material and the creation of board or video games. The projects will have to be completed by June 2025.

Applications must be submitted by 31 May at the latest, in the form of an original video or podcast. Potential candidates can benefit from workshops or technical assistance for the application.

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Young people interested in the project have to apply through a youth structure (youth centre, student association, etc.) in which they are active, according to a press release from Minister Alain Maron (Ecolo), in charge of Climate Transition and Participatory Democracy.

All practical details are available on the Cascade website.

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