'Safe everyday, everywhere': Brussels LGBTQ Pride week unveils programme

'Safe everyday, everywhere': Brussels LGBTQ Pride week unveils programme
People take to the streets for the 'Brussels Pride', a manifestation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender oriented people, Saturday 20 May 2023 in Brussels. Credit: Belga/Nicolas Maeterlinck

This week, the Belgian capital will be dominated by Brussels Pride in honour of the LGBTQ community by decorating the city in the colours of the rainbow – culminating in the traditional Pride March on Saturday 18 May.

This year's theme is "Safe Everyday Everywhere" and advocates a society where everyone can feel free and serene at all times. As the capital of Europe, Brussels will kick off the European Pride season, with the organisers expecting no fewer than 250,000 people to take to the streets of the capital to defend their rights and celebrate diversity.

"Brussels Pride is an opportunity to celebrate diversity but also to defend and demand LGBTQ rights, all with a view to making society more inclusive and just," the organisation said. "Beyond its festive dimension, Brussels Pride is – more than ever – an opportunity to promote the rights of the community and initiate policy ideas."

This year, Brussels Pride is particularly keen to emphasise the significance of this event for ensuring a society that is inclusive, safer and fairer for everyone.

'Safe Everyday, Everywhere'

This year, the time reflects a strong call from the entire LGBTQ community to mobilise all citizens. It is also an invitation to take concrete, daily actions against any form of discrimination, violence or hate crime, anywhere in the world.

The community is calling for strong, sustainable action to ensure that everyone – young people, adults and senior citizens – can feel free and live in peace in Belgium, in Europe and around the world.

Pride Week – 8 to 18 May 2024

The first events already started on Wednesday 8 May, with an intersectional and activist event at the Maison des Cultures in Molenbeek. Throughout the week, activist and artistic collectives are presenting a rich programme of events across a dozen venues such as Les Grands Carmes, RainbowHouse Brussels and many others in the city.

For ten days, concerts, screenings, performances and workshops will be on offer to the public. This year, various meetings with European delegations will also be held during Pride Week.

Brussels streets are decorated with Pride flags. Credit: Maïthé Chini/The Brussels Times

On Thursday 16 May, a Mini-Pride procession will also take to the streets of the Saint-Jacques district to mark the start of the Brussels Pride weekend festivities. It will pass by Manneken-Pis, who will be dressed in a costume designed especially for the occasion.

All the participants will join several European delegations at the 'The Meaning of Prides' conference, which will highlight other Pride celebrations in Europe and discuss the impact of such events on society.

Pride March – 18 May

Starting at 14:30, the Pride March, the highlight of Brussels Pride, will set off from the Mont des Arts and take over the streets of the city centre, passing close by the unmissable Saint-Jacques district.

Its aim is to celebrate diversity, tolerance and acceptance of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. This year, the March will be chanting the Brussels Pride theme "Safe Everyday Everywhere" loud and clear.

As part of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Brussels Pride has this year also invited the organisers of EuroPride in Thessaloniki to take part in the March. Several European delegations will also be represented alongside the EuroPride float.

Brussels Pride 2023. Credit: Belga / Nicolas Maeterlinck

As every year, numerous associations and institutions will be present. Associations will be informing the public about their battles and the current challenges facing the community's rights at both the national and international level, while institutions will be demonstrating their support for the community and their initiatives in favour of a more inclusive and safe society for everyone.

Belgian LGBTQ artists and allies will be performing on the stage at Mont des Arts. The line-up includes Belgian Eurovision Song Contest candidate Mustii, the Drag Race Belgium contestants, Alice on the Roof, Gustaph, famous dance trio Trinxx, AZO, RAQL and many more.

The Rainbow Village and its LGBTQ establishments in the Saint-Jacques district, in the heart of the capital, will again be partnering the event and ensuring that the streets of the city centre are buzzing with life throughout the weekend. DJs and artists will also be performing to jubilant crowds in the city centre at the Bourse and on Rue du Marché au Charbon.

In total, some 100 partners, associations and artists will be playing their part in the fight for a more open and tolerant society. Many buildings across the Capital Region will also be illuminated and decorated in the colours of the rainbow flag.

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