Car(e)less Brussels: The return of Europe's largest Car-Free Sunday

Car(e)less Brussels: The return of Europe's largest Car-Free Sunday
Car Free Sunday in Brussels in 2023. Credit: Belga/ Hatim Kaghat

Brussels' Car-Free Sunday – an annual celebration for many of the region's residents – will take place in September, making the Capital Region the largest car-free zone in Europe.

For one day every year, cars are banished from the streets of the Belgian capital, giving a rare opportunity for hundreds of thousands of pedestrians, cyclists, people on tricycles or rollerblades and many other "vulnerable" road users to experience the usually car-filled streets. Brussels Mobility has confirmed that the 24th edition of the event will this year take place on 22 September.

The Car-Free Sunday marks the grand finale of Mobility Week (16-22 September 2024), which this year focuses on the price of mobility (how to save money, the benefits of shared vehicles, how much to spend on a bicycle, etc). Brussels Mobility is collaborating with consumer protection organisation Test Achats to inform the city's residents on how to compare the different mobility solutions and save money.

Car Free Sunday in Brussels on Sunday 17 September 2023. Credit: Belga/ Hatim Kaghat

"The purchasing power of Belgian families is under pressure, which is why we support Brussels Mobility's initiative to encourage people to think about their mobility costs," said Test Achats spokesperson Laura Clays. "Comparing all available options is always the best way to save money."

What happens on Car-Free Sunday?

Cars will be prohibited from driving in the region from 09:30 until 19:00. Streets, squares and parks across the region will be taken over by people enjoying the freedom of carless roads. Many activities, from brocantes (jumble sales) to street parties, are usually organised for this occasion.

In some districts streets may be closed for longer. Brussels Mobility has warned against rushing to drive again at 19:00 on the dot. The reopening of the region's streets and tunnels usually takes place gradually, making traffic disruptions likely beyond these hours.

Credit: Orlando Whitehead.

People who need to use their cars on Sunday 22 September can request a permit from the municipality. These are only granted to locals who indicate their address and visitors who provide their destination in Brussels. Applications close on 13 September.

All 19 communes in Brussels take part in Car-Free Sunday. Many other cities and municipalities around the country also have car-free days. These include Ypres, Antwerp and Ghent (all on 22 September), Hasselt (8 September), Bruges (15 September), Leuven (25 August). The concept is considerably less popular in Wallonia than in Flanders.

A tally by mobility organisation Mobiel 21 last year showed that over 3.6 million people enjoyed a car-free Sunday in their municipality, of which 1.2 million were in Brussels.

Popular support, policy struggle

The initiative is a festive occasion for many but it also has a positive impact on air quality and reduces noise pollution. Last year, Brussels Environment recorded a significant drop in concentrations of various harmful substances, especially in the busiest places in the city.

For example, concentrations of nitrogen monoxide and dioxide dropped by "95% and 77% respectively compared to a normal Sunday" on Boulevard du Regent and noise levels near the E40 motorway in Woluwé-Saint-Lambert were reportedly reduced by 99%.

For these reasons, outgoing Mobility Minister Elke Van den Brandt has repeatedly expressed her desire for several Car-Free Sundays each year. The Brussels Government even explored the possibility of one every month. But the idea was deemed "too much of a burden on the budget" and several of the Brussels communes (whose approval would be needed) were less enthusiastic.

As Brussels now has a government of current affairs, no decision will be made on increasing the number of Car-Free Sundays anytime soon.

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