Abortion care providers from around the world gather in Brussels

Abortion care providers from around the world gather in Brussels
Protesters dressed as a 'Handmaiden' from the popular television series 'The Handmaid's tale', pictured during a pro-choice protest (Brussels, 2018). Credit: Belga/Antony Gevaert

Abortion doctors, counsellors and researchers from around the world will gather in Brussels this weekend for the 15th edition of the congress of International Federation of Professional Abortion and Contraception Counsellors (FIAPAC).

With over 500 participants, more than 50 speakers from as many different countries and some 130 abstracts submitted for this edition (themed the ‘Building the Case for Reproductive Choice’), the focus is on high-quality abortion care, sharing new scientific insights and, above all, learning from each other.

"In the United States, the abortion debate dominates the election battle between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. But things are also moving in Europe," said Nausikaä Martens of the VUB and president of FIAPAC.

In Belgium, abortion has been legal under certain conditions since 1990. In principle, a pregnancy must be terminated before the end of the 12th week after conception. Those wishing to have an abortion also have a mandatory reflection period of six days, as well as an obligation to discuss adoption options.

The debate on relaxing Belgium's abortion laws has been going on since the beginning of the now-outgoing Federal Government's legislature in October 2020. For a brief period it even looked as if discussions on extending the window for an aborthion would block the coalition's formation.

Different types of contraception

"Countries like Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are fully committed to progressive legislation on abortion," Martens said. "In Belgium, the debate around a new abortion law is flaring up again."

A recent scientific expert report was published with 25 recommendations, including to extend the pregnancy period for an abortion and dropping the mandatory six-day waiting period. The report should lead to "interesting sessions and discussions during the congress," Martens said.

In the Netherlands, the deadline for a termination of pregnancy is 22 weeks, and a flexible waiting period for abortion has applied since last year, explained Raïna Brethouwer, president of the Dutch Association of Abortion Doctors (NGvA).

"This means that the client, in consultation with the abortion doctor, decides how much reflection time is needed to fully consider the decision. This can be zero days, but also ten days if necessary," she said.

Credit: Belga/Herwig Vergult

The topic of contraception will also be discussed at length during the FIAPAC congress: What does hormonal contraception really do to a woman's body, how do you advise about "natural contraceptives," what role do social media and Artificial Intelligence play in the choice of contraception, and what about the new contraceptive pill without hormones, which is currently being tested in Moldova?

In the closing session on Saturday, VUB fellows Dr Anne Verougstraete and Prof Em Jena-Jaques Amy will be presented with a "pro-choice life achievement award" by FIAPAC with the support of VUB.

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