'A necessity, not a luxury' - Brussels Government launches smoke detector campaign

'A necessity, not a luxury' - Brussels Government launches smoke detector campaign
Credit: Belga / Timon Ramboer

The Brussels government launched a fire prevention and awareness campaign on Tuesday to encourage residents to install smoke detectors in their homes.

By law, smoke detectors have been mandatory in Brussels since 1 January 2025, a requirement already in place in Flanders and Wallonia.

Despite the legislation, many Brussels residents remain unaware of the importance of smoke detectors. Modern apartments and buildings can be completely engulfed in flames within just three minutes, while firefighters typically take an average of eight minutes to arrive.

The outgoing State Secretaries Ans Persoons (Vooruit.brussels) and Nawal Ben Hamou (PS) hope the campaign will prompt immediate action from residents.

Brussels State Secretaries Nawal Ben Hamou and Ans Persoons pose at the launch of a campaign to stress the importance of smoke detectors by the Brussels Government on Tuesday 25 February 2025 in Brussels. Credit: Belga / Timon Ramboer

"Legislation alone isn’t enough. The mindset must change as well," said Ben Hamou, Secretary of State for Housing. The human toll of fires in Brussels is significant, with lives lost, severe burns inflicted and survivors often facing PTSD or depression.

"With an average of four house fires daily, having a smoke detector is a necessity, not a luxury," Persoons, who is responsible for firefighting, stated. "Our living spaces and furniture contain many synthetic materials, allowing fires to fully develop within just three minutes."

'Smoke detectors save lives'

The campaign includes the launch of the website detecteursdefumee.brussels, where users will be able to find advice on choosing the right device and how to install it.

Posters displaying the message "Smoke detectors save lives" and linking to the website will be visible in the streets of Brussels from Wednesday.

An additional service offers free home visits by firefighters to answer any questions, determine the best locations for detectors and install the devices if necessary. This free service can be requested via the address awareness@firebrus.brussels.

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