The Brussels police arrested three migrants who wanted to spend the night at the De Lijn bus stops under the Gare du Nord during the weekend of 18 and 19 May. "Our police patrols caught the migrants several times and asked them each time to leave the station and go to the reception places that have been provided for them by the Red Cross, Samusocial and the Civic Platform for refugee support since Friday," said Audrey Dereymaekern spokesperson for the Brussels-North police to
Bruzz. "Ultimately three migrants were arrested this weekend because they refused to leave the station and were drunk," she added.
It concerned two adults and one minor. One of the adults was released because he had an order to leave Belgian territory, the other one was taken to a closed centre and the minor was sent to a closed centre for minors, reported Belga.
The police will continue to patrol in the coming days. The entire floor under the station was cleaned on Friday, and since Monday morning the buses from De Lijn started serving the stops at the Gare du Nord again.
Maïthé Chini
The Brussels Times