Woman told to 'get raped in Molenbeek' after giving feminist TED Talk

Woman told to 'get raped in Molenbeek' after giving feminist TED Talk
She has received several death threats, and one commenter said that he would want her to walk through Molenbeek with her breasts exposed so she would be raped there. Credit: TEDx/Youtube

The French YouTube personality Charlie Danger is receiving threats after giving a feminist talk that was shared online.

Earlier this month, Charlie Danger, who has the YouTube channel 'Les revues du monde' with about 587,000 subscribers, was invited to Toulouse in France to give a TED Talk where she talked about the differences between women, and their urge to compare themselves to other women.

She also said that, if they want to, women have as much right as men to walk around with their breasts exposed in places where men also walk with their shirts off, like on the beach, or while shopping on holiday.

While she received loud applause after her talk, the reactions under the YouTube video that the organisation had posted were less positive. She has received several death threats, and one commenter said that he would recommend her to walk through the municipality of Molenbeek in Brussels with her breasts exposed so she would be raped there.

Translation of tweet: "Hi @TEDx and @tedxisaesupaero; I was more than happy to accept your invitation and to participate in this experience. On the other hand, since the video has been online, various threats against me (death, rape, etc.) have been made and no moderation has been done."

Image in tweet: "I advise you Molenbeek to be the first dancer with bare breasts, you will also be the first raped in a gang in front of your other dancers who will run away! Ah feminism 2.0, what a cognitive dissonance! It's too late, the islamic-left-wingers have shot a bullet in their own foot and you won't change anything, that will teach you to have chosen the wrong target. P.S. I'm laughing because... I won... I'm a white male, straight, over 35 years old."

Second tweet: "As much as I can tolerate insults and derogatory comments, as much as I can tolerate receiving occasional threats of rape since the posting of the video online, I find it rather limiting. Can we do something, please?"

Maïthé Chini

The Brussels Times

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