Belgium's unions anxious over expected public budget cuts

Belgium's unions anxious over expected public budget cuts
Credit: Belga

Belgium’s unions are expressing concerns that a long-standing model of robust public services is under threat, as coalition parties negotiate the federal budget.

Budget cuts are expected across many sectors due to the state of public finances and the country’s rising debt.

Negotiators from the so called Arizona coalition start their first five-party discussions on the federal budget and reforms in taxation, pensions, and employment on Sunday.

The unions caution that budget cuts will increase the workload for public servants.

“After years of dismantling public services, the time seems to have come to deliver the final blow by drastically reducing public spending. However, such ‘economy’ measures are not a solution to reducing public debt. On the contrary, they risk worsening the country’s economic and social situation,” Laurent Pirnay and Roland Lahaye, vice-presidents of CGSP and CSC-FSCSP, along with Patrick Roijens, president of SLFP, said.

The three unions emphasize the crucial role of public authorities in the country’s prosperity — through public spending, education, healthcare, and social security, as well as ensuring equality among citizens.

They point out that new challenges, such as an ageing population, artificial intelligence, and rising poverty, make public action more necessary. “In other words, public authorities are not a burden on our economy,” the union leaders point out.

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