Germany wants to relax the conditions for obtaining German nationality

Germany wants to relax the conditions for obtaining German nationality
Credit: Belga

The German Federal Government adopted a bill on Wednesday to speed up the naturalisation process and ease the requirements for dual nationality. The move is aimed at reducing the country's labour shortage.

According to the text, which still has to be approved by the Federal Parliament, it will soon be possible to apply for German nationality after five years of residence in the country, instead of the current eight.

"We want people who have been part of our society for a long time to be able to participate in the democratic organisation of our country," Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told a press conference.

Under the new proposal, foreign nationals who are particularly well integrated into the country, speak the language at a high level or stand out for their commitment to voluntary work, will be able to apply after only three years.

Labour shortages

"Faced with a shortage of skilled labour, we need intelligent, energetic people who want to stay here for the long term and who recognise themselves in our country," commented the Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), in a statement.

Applicants for German nationality will, however, have to prove that they are not dependent on public assistance, with certain exceptions.

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The law will also open up the possibility of dual nationality to more people, including Germany’s sizeable Turkish community, which numbers some 1.5 million nationals. This right has so far been reserved for citizens of the European Union and Switzerland.

The revision of citizenship law is a key project of Social Democrat Olaf Scholz’s coalition with the ecologists and the FDP liberals, in power since December 2021.

The law does not, however, meet with unanimous approval in the political class. From the outset, the Conservative opposition declared itself to be highly sceptical.

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