EU welcomes 'realistic' proposal for ceasefire in Gaza

EU welcomes 'realistic' proposal for ceasefire in Gaza
European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen. Credit: European Union

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has praised a "realistic" Israeli ceasefire proposal for Gaza, introduced by US President Joe Biden, as a genuine chance to end the conflict.

Von der Leyen expressed full agreement with Biden's view that the latest proposal offers a real opportunity to move towards ending the war and the suffering of civilians in Gaza.

She described the three-step approach as balanced and realistic. She finished by urging that it now requires support from all parties. The President conveyed her thoughts via social media posts.

EU’s High Representative for Foreign affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, also expressed his support for Biden’s plan. “All our support to Biden roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the release of hostages leading to a permanent cessation of hostilities, withdrawal of IDF and reconstruction efforts to commence,” he tweeted. “The war has to end now.”

In his speech, the American president pleaded to both Israel and Hamas to accept the three-phased roadmap to an “durable end” to the war and “set the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike”. It is very close to the latest proposals from both sides and addresses their basic concerns and requirements.

The first phase, which would last for six weeks, would  include a full and complete ceasefire; a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza; and a release of a number of hostages — including women, the elderly, the wounded — in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

The ceasefire will continue as long as it takes to agree on the following phase. In phase two, there would be an exchange for the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers; Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza; and as long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, the temporary ceasefire would become permanent.

The roadmap circumvents the main obstacle to a hostage deal in previous talks. “If Hamas fails to fulfill its commitments under the deal, Israel can resume military operations. “But Egypt and Qatar have assured me and they are continuing to work to ensure that Hamas doesn’t do that. And the United States will help ensure that Israel lives up to their obligations as well.”

Finally, in phase three, a major reconstruction plan for Gaza would commence. This could take 3 – 5 years and requires a durable ceasefire which ends the war.

From the very start of the first phase, there will be a surge in humanitarian assistance with 600 trucks carrying aid into Gaza every single day, Biden promised. For this to happen, the Rafah border crossing from Egypt to Gaza will have to be reopened after it was closed by Egypt following Israel’s military operation into Rafah.

EU plans to play a role in supervising the border crossing. At its meeting last Monday, the Foreign Affairs Council tasked the European External Action Service to explore options to reactivate the EU Border Assistance Mission at Rafah (EUBAM).

The preparation work for this has already started, Peter Stano, EU’s lead spokesperson for foreign affairs, said on Friday, but next Council meeting, when the decision will be taken, is scheduled on 24 June. The redeployment of the mission depends on the agreement of all EU member states and the partners involved (Egyptians, Israelis and the Palestinian Authority).

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