One-fifth of doctors and pharmacists have fallen victim to cyber attacks, survey shows

One-fifth of doctors and pharmacists have fallen victim to cyber attacks, survey shows
Prof. Carlo de Asmundis (center left) and Prof. Mark La Meir (center right) during the intervention. Credit: UZ Brussel

A joint survey by specialist media Le Spécialiste, Medi-Sphère and Pharma-Sphère has revealed that 19% of doctors and pharmacists have fallen victim to cyber-attacks recently.

Over half (55%) of these incidents were cases of ‘phishing’: attempts to steal data or bank account details. The remainder included system hacks (54%), computer sabotage (45%), ransom demands (45%) and cyber-bullying (21%).

Half of the medical community is consistently concerned about cyber-security. However, a third believes it is the responsibility of their IT department or technician.

Files from the survey found that the majority of doctors and pharmacists (84%) feel support from their colleagues and health institutions with regard to cyber-security must be prioritised by the next government.

The medical professionals are pressing for a cyber-security budget increase for hospitals. A significant 79% think that non-hospital practitioners — including general practitioners (70%), extra-hospital specialists (75%) and pharmacists (72%) — deserve a cyber-security bonus from the federal authorities to improve the protection of health data.

Over the past five years, half of the interviewees have invested in IT solutions and equipment to better arm themselves against cyber-attacks.

However, 80% of respondents have not been specifically trained to face the risks of cyber-crime in the last five years, although 67% are ready to do so.

A startling 92% of the respondents confessed that they have never heard of the European regulations linked to the NIS2 directive (information security), which will come into effect in October 2024 and applies to businesses with over 50 employees or annual turnover exceeding €10 million.

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