French-speaking schools will 'drastically' limit exams in June

French-speaking schools will 'drastically' limit exams in June
Credit: Belga

The Wallonia-Brussels Education network (WBE) has decided to "drastically" limit the June exams to free up as many days as possible for teaching, which has been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

In secondary schools, which has been largely subject to hybrid teaching (partly in class, partly digital) since last autumn, only the CE1D (exams at the end of the second year) and CESS (at the end of the final year) certification tests will be held.

Pupils in sixth and seventh secondary will be the only ones to be subjected to exams or qualification tests (for vocational courses).

However, these tests will be limited to seven half-days to ensure that as many classes as possible can still be held in June.

In this context, schools are invited to continue classes until at least 21 or 22 June, and not to organise a revision week. They will also have to reduce the traditional "clear days" (organised during corrections and class councils, while pupils do not have to go to school) to a minimum.

First years will be assessed, but only "diagnostically," meaning without any effect on their grade. This possibility will also be open for third, fourth and fifth years, but the choice will be left to each school.

For primary schools, there will be no change from the normal situation: the exams at the end of the last (sixth) year will still be organised. Schools will also conduct a diagnostic test for pupils in their second year of primary school.

The Education network also reminds its schools that resits should remain "exceptional" again this year, as there is no guarantee the resit will be able to be organised in September.

The Brussels Times

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