It is "totally unthinkable that a Vivaldi coalition could be formed without a majority in Flanders," right-wing N-VA leader Bart De Wever told Dutch-speaking Radio 1 on Monday.
A Vivaldi coalition is a combination of liberals, socialists, greens and Christian democrats, named as such because their party colours represent the four seasons.
"The choices that have to be made today will determine our well-being for the next decade" and these choices can only be made within the framework of a government that has a majority in Flanders, De Wever said.
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De Wever's comments come after Flemish Christian-Democrat party leader Joachim Coens did not explicitly mention governing with N-VA during "De Zevende Dag," a Sunday television show about current events, and new Open VLD president Egbert Lachaert said that content should take precedence over labels in the forming of a new government.
"Tensions between North and South within the euro area will become extreme. The question is which side we belong to," said De Wever. "Flanders is on the side of the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany and that's where we have to stay. The choices we make today will determine whether we can," he said.
"Can we find a compromise between what Paul Magnette says and what we say? We can, if we spend time discussing the problems, but we also need to move from institutional chaos to a solution scheme," De Wever added.
The Brussels Times