
BD Comic Strip Festival returns this weekend

From 6 to 8 September, the BD Comic Strip Festival will take place at Tour & Taxis’s Gare Maritime in Brussels.

BD Comic Strip Festival returns this weekend
BD Comic Strip Festival 2023. Credit: / Jean-Simon Gérard

On the programme this year will be over 7,000 square metres of discoveries, 50 exhibitors, talks and signing sessions for adults, plus entertainment and games for children. What's more, there will be exhibitions, workshops, indie comics, an area dedicated to the world of manga, and the ever popular international pavilion.

All this under the benevolent gaze of the giant balloons in the image of your favourite comic book heroes.

Tribute to the work of Jean Van Hamme

Jean Van Hamme left his mark on an entire generation in the 80s and 90s with the unmissable Thorgal, Largo Winch and XIII series. Today, he is still one of the most widely read authors and the hero Largo Winch has been (and continues to be) the subject of film adaptations.

To pay tribute to his work, it is none other than TaDuc, illustrator, in particular, of the latest XIII trilogy, who has been working on the creation of the new poster for the Comic Strip Festival. We find the emblematic characters of Jean Van Hamme's various cult series.

BD Comic Strip Festival, Tour & Taxis © - Jean-Simon Gérard - 2023

Exhibitions, signings and animations

During the BD Comic Strip Festival, several exhibitions will be held at the Belgian Comic Strip Centre and on the festival site. Publishing houses will also be back with exclusive signing sessions and activities for all.

The public will also be able to admire the famous giant balloons of comic book characters installed on the festival site.

A space will once again be dedicated to alternative comics for the most curious.

BD Comic Strip Festival, Tour & Taxis © - Jean-Simon Gérard - 2023

Winners of the 2024 Atomium Awards

Comic book creation has become more fragile in recent years and it is often difficult for professionals to make a decent living from it.

In order to support creation and authors, the Brussels authorities have been awarding the Atomium Comic Strip Festival prizes for several years as part of the BD Comic Strip Festival.

The Atomium Awards are a reference for all comics lovers. A professional jury makes the selection and these awards can inspire the people which comic to buy and read.

More information about the BD Comic Strip Festival here.

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