Drug violence in Brussels-Midi affects children, NGO warns

Drug violence in Brussels-Midi affects children, NGO warns
© Belga

Drug-related violence around Brussels-Midi train station is becoming increasingly terrible, and also affects street children, Het Laatste Nieuws daily reported on Friday, based on interviews with care providers, federal police and Child Focus.

The violence mainly affects young people from Morocco, Algeria or Afghanistan who have come alone to Belgium, where they are brutally exploited.

Criminal organisations use these unaccompanied minors in their drug trafficking activities, according to a federal police report. They are used mainly as lookouts, but sometimes also to sell drugs, and are often subjected to acts of brutality.

An anonymous source familiar with the problem told Het Laatste Nieuws that they witness torture "almost every week," ranging from beatings to rapes, which are filmed.

These street children live in squats around Brussels-Midi station.

According to Child Focus, many of the youngsters fly under the radar. Last year, Child Focus recorded 332 worrying disappearances of unaccompanied minors, but the real number is probably much higher.

Of these disappearances, 30 involved children under the age of 13.

"We are deeply concerned. These children need to be taken off the streets," Child Focus pleaded.

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