March against extremism and racism in Brussels on Sunday, traffic disruptions expected

March against extremism and racism in Brussels on Sunday, traffic disruptions expected
Credit: Belga

A march against far-right extremism and racism, and in support of a "unity-based social project", has been planned for Sunday in Brussels. The police warned traffic disruption is expected.

Just one week after the Belgian and European elections saw far-right parties making further gains, hundreds to thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of Brussels against their values and goals. The demonstration is organised by the Belgian Anti-Fascist Coordination (CAB) to protest against the "relentless rise of the far right".

The mobilisation aims to offer a "popular response and a contrasting social agenda" to the recent far-right surge in the Belgian, French and European elections. It also calls for a real alternative that is social, ecological, and democratic – capable of handling the main challenges of today and tomorrow, organisers say.

"The far right will never demand higher wages for all. It will never be the far right that calls for taxing the richest, increasing the number of social housing, or implementing an ecological transition rooted in a logic of social justice, which is necessary for our common future."

Some 20 social movements and organisations are part of the CAB, including Young FGTB, Ades network, the Anti-Fascist Front of Liège, MOC Brussels, ASBL Garance, Ecolo J, and Mrax. The group argued that, when the far right comes to power, it pursues "absolutely disastrous policies", including against democratic rights, against workers, against the rights of migrants, women and the LGTBQIA+ community. "Everywhere it exacerbates social degradation."

The march will start at 13:00 on Sunday at Mont des Arts in Brussels. From there, the march will proceed via Cantersteen, Boulevard de l’Impératrice, Rue de la Collégiale, Place du Congrès, Place Madou, Chaussée de Louvain, Rue de la Loi and Square de Meeûs. The demonstrators will then arrive at 15:00 at Place du Luxembourg in the European Quarter for speeches and concerts.

Police have advised people to avoid the area around Mont des Arts and Place du Luxembourg, adding that traffic disruptions are expected from 13:00 to 18:00. A similar march took place on Monday after the elections, during which no incidents occurred. Still, police en masse surrounded the areas around the march's route.

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