Following the ongoing works on the Right Bank of the Scheldt, the City of Antwerp wants to create a promenade along the Left Bank as well. The preliminary draft master plan has been approved by the city council, which includes a six-kilometre stretch along the river.
The Scheldt banks on both sides are to be raised as part of the Sigmaplan, which aims to better protect Flanders from flooding. The city is taking this opportunity to build a walking trail alongside the Scheldt. The final plans should be ready next year, allowing the work to start in 2024.
"This whole area will get a solid green injection," said Councillor for Urban Development Annick De Ridder. "Among other things, there will be a six-kilometre-long promenade alongside the Scheldt and an open landscape in the Scheldt bend connecting the marina, the Robinson playground and the Sint-Annastrand."
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In the inner embankment, there will be a relief that can provide water collection and infiltration.
Outside the embankment, the existing mudflats and salt marshes landscape will be preserved and expanded where possible. The neighbourhood will be connected to the new park area by a network of paths.