Belgium's far-right not ruled out of potential coalition

Belgium's far-right not ruled out of potential coalition
A figurehead of the far-right Vlaams Belang said that he had reached an agreement with the Flemish parliament's biggest party. Credit: Wikipedia

The president of the N-VA (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie), Bart De Wever, did not close the issue of the 'cordon sanitaire' around Vlaams Belang on Sunday evening.

De Wever has said that he will meet with the president of the far-right party, Tom Van Grieken, to see how he sees the evolution of his party in the future.

The 'cordon sanitaire' is a Belgian political practice established in two stages in 1989 and 1992 between the Flemish political parties, at the initiative of the Flemish environmentalist leader Jos Geysels, aimed at excluding far-right political parties from any political majority.

"I will listen to the president of Vlaams Belang, Tom Van Grieken, and ask him how he sees the evolution of his party," explained De Wever, in an interview with VTM.

"I never subscribed to the cordon sanitaire and I was never a fan of it. But I have never been a fan of the party's style, of some of its exaggerated figures and positions. These two things, which were clear yesterday, are still clear today," he added.

In order to form a majority Flemish government, De Wever will invite all parties in order of size to discuss.

"The Flemish voters deserve respect. Opening and closing the doors on election night seems particularly silly to me. The situation is already complicated enough," said De Wever.

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