N-VA, Vooruit and CD&V will discuss Flemish Government formation tomorrow

N-VA, Vooruit and CD&V will discuss Flemish Government formation tomorrow
N-VA leader Bart De Wever. Credit: Belga/Dirk Waem

N-VA leader Bart De Wever, whose party won the elections in Flanders and at the federal level, will meet with the leaders of Vooruit and CD&V  on Friday for the first discussions about forming a Flemish Government.

De Wever will meet Vooruit's Melissa Depraetere and CD&V's Sammy Mahdi in Brussels at 16:30, VRT reports. The coalition between the three parties is nicknamed the "rocket ice lolly" for their yellow, red and orange party colours.

On Wednesday, Vooruit leader Melissa Depraetere stressed that her party would not join the Flemish Government "just like that" but would demand guarantees that no savings will be made on healthcare, among other social sectors.

Vooruit knows they are needed, so the party is asking De Wever to submit a kind of "starting note" that should demonstrate that a "different and more social" policy can be introduced at the Flemish level, as a condition for joining the table.

It remains to be seen whether De Wever will submit such a note, as neither De Wever nor his entourage have yet commented on the proceedings. "All conversations are confidential and are done in discretion."

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